The Community of Practice for Postgraduate Education and Scholarship
The Community of Practice for Postgraduate Education and Scholarship (CoP PGES) focuses on all aspects of postgraduate education, scholarship and practice to support and sustain the higher education sector in postgraduate teaching and learning, training and support for supervisors. The CoP PGES aims to support and foster collaboration and collegial engagement amongst peers and all stakeholders who have interests in higher degree education.
This CoP is a collaborative advisory platform for discussion and interaction between peers. We do this through coordinating meetings, seminars and conferences focusing on various aspects of postgraduate education, such as funding, research training for postgraduates, engaged scholarship and strengthening postgraduate education.
Our membership comprises academics, researchers and other relevant stakeholders with interests in the objectives and functions of the CoP PGES. This includes academics involved with postgraduate supervision, teaching and learning, and research, members of university postgraduate education support departments, and representatives of national departments and agencies concerned with policy and support for postgraduate education.
The CoP activities include support for training of supervisors, development of online postgraduate supervision, teaching and learning at higher degree levels, advocacy in matters relating to postgraduate education, and coordination of national activities such as conferences, colloquia, workshops, and seminars. Furthermore, the CoP PGES provides recommendations to the USAf Research and Innovation Strategy Group (RISG) and the broader university sector.
Focus Areas
Postgraduate Teaching and Learning
- Development of sector-wide capacity for providing high quality training for postgraduate supervisors
- Providing a platform for interaction and support for emerging academics
- Sharing of expertise and resources for postgraduate supervison
- Developing a resource management system
Engaged Scholarship
- Research on the scholarship of postgraduate education
- Strengthening postgraduate supervision through developing knowledge about postgraduate education
- Investigating new models for postgraduate supervision
Research Training for Postgraduates
- Addressing aspects of postgraduate education and training for research
- Developing best practices for training in research ethics and integrity
- Building curriculated programmes for postgraduate training
Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision
- Development of sector-wide capacity for providing high quality training for postgraduate supervisors
- Providing a platform for interaction and support for emerging academics
- Sharing of expertise and resources for postgraduate supervison
- Developing a resource management system