Universities Learning Futures (ULeFu).

Changing Lives, Shaping Futures

The Universities Learning Futures is a project aimed at providing support for digital transformation at Historically Disadvantaged Institutions.

Student Success Project

The Student Success Project takes the form of a collaborative forum and is funded by the DHET.

Theory of Change

At the centre of HELM’s vision and mission of capacity building within the sector is its theory of change. The MOLD framework which underpins the curriculum and delivery modality of HELM has adopted a developmental focus on performance and career management. In it, leadership development is understood as a systemised, managed process and the driver of performance and career management.

As a result, leadership development is considered more appropriate and responsive when it:

  • embeds and is cognisant of the leadership context, which is complex and constantly changing;
  • enhances individual and organisational leadership capacity through reflection and learning; and
  • expands leadership capital through individual and organisational performance and career advancement.

The MOLD framework illustrates that if leadership development is conceptualised in a systematised, integrated manner and planned and managed correctly in an enabling organisational setting, it may enhance an individual’s competencies and result in improved organisational and sectoral outcomes.

The Impact of
our Programmes

“This was an excellent programme in terms of understanding the complexity of leadership and management. I could relate to a number of issues pertaining to my role as a Dean. I was able to find or realise some of my strengths and areas that I need to prioritise in my own workspace”
– Dean, UWC 2019

How the Programmes Fit Together

Upcoming Events